David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker - February 2025

Our latest independent economic tracker reveals the economy is emerging as a key priority as 62% of Scots say conditions have worsened in past year.

Published Monday 24th February 2025

Our latest independent quarterly tracker has revealed the economy is emerging as a key priority as 62% of Scots say conditions have worsened in past year.

Key findings:

  • Health care and the cost of living remain top priorities, with the economy emerging as a high priority for Scots

    Healthcare continues to dominate as the most pressing issue for Scots, increasing by four percentage points to 50% naming it as a priority. Cost of living remains stable at 34%. Meanwhile, the proportion identifying the economy as a priority has risen by four percentage points to 20% after hitting a low of 16% in November 2024.

  • Glimmers of optimism as more Scots see the country heading in the right direction

    While 53% of Scots still believe the country is heading in the wrong direction, this is down three percentage points from the last wave. At the same time, optimism is growing, with 24% now saying Scotland is on the right path - an increase of four percentage points. Meanwhile, 23% remain uncertain, with optimism narrowly overtaking uncertainty for the first time in recent waves.

  • Economic outlook remains bleak

    A majority of Scots (62%) say economic conditions have worsened over the past year, and 64% believe they will deteriorate further in the next year. While this marks a slight decline of one to two percentage points in pessimism since the last wave, optimism has not grown, with fewer than one in ten reporting an improvement in the last year or predicting an improvement over the next year.

  • Cost-cutting becomes routine but financial strain hits some harder

    Spending cutbacks remain widespread, with 53% of Scots reducing leisure activities, 52% cutting non- essential spending, and 45% saving less than usual—figures that have changed little since November 2024. However, financial strain is more pronounced among Scots aged 16-34, those in lower social grades, households with children, and ethnic minorities, particularly affecting their mental health, physical well-being, and sleep.

  • Signs of recovery for some sectors but non-essential spending cuts persist

    Spending reductions are expected to continue this year, particularly in dining out, with 45% cutting back on takeaways and deliveries and 43% on restaurants. However, there are small signs of recovery in certain areas: the proportion expecting to spend more on clothing and footwear is up five percentage points, while leisure and culture and holidays outside the UK have seen increases of three percentage points each.

Three key graphs from the report below.

Image credit: Sharing thumbnail image and report front cover by Sinitta Leunen, free licence from Unsplash 23.02.25

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David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker - November 2024

Our quarterly economic tracker from a panel of over 40,000 people in Scotland reveals green shoots of optimism in August have faded and poses big questions ahead of the Scottish Budget.

Our independent quarterly tracker has revealed that 48% of people living in Scotland believe their financial situation is worse than a year ago.

Since August 2024, there has been a six percentage point rise in people feeling that their own finances have worsened in the last year – with 3 in 10 people (29%) admitting they have lost sleep over money.

While 63% believe that the general economic conditions are worse, up nine percentage points, 65% of people said they believe that the general economic conditions will continue to decline, up 13 points on the last quarter.  

The latest results for the Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker, from the David Hume Institute and polling experts Diffley Partnership, suggest a growing lack of optimism over the last three months and pose big questions for Shona Robison ahead of the Scottish Budget.

The latest edition of the survey from November 2024 shows that:

  • More than 1 in 6 people (17%) report strained relationships at home because of money

  • 1 in 6 Scots (16%) report an impact on their physical health due to worries about money

  • 1 in 3 people (32%) report an impact on their mental health due to worries about money

  • Only 15%  say that concerns about money matters have not affected them

  • 3 out of 4 people (75%) believe the economy works primarily in the interests of wealthy people

However, there is not a complete lack of optimism with younger Scots more likely to believe that their financial fortunes will turn. Those aged between 16 and 34 appear more optimistic with 25% saying they believe their own economic situation will get better. This compares to just 6% of 45 to 54 year-olds, 8% aged 55 to 64, and 5% of over 65s.

When looking at the policy priorities for Scots, healthcare and the NHS remains the top priority of Scots with nearly half (47%) citing this as one of the top three issues facing Scotland.  A third (34%) cite cost of living and inflation, this has declined eight percentage points from November 2023. One in five (19%) put poverty/inequality among the top three issues facing Scotland.

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David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker - August 2024

Our quarterly economic tracker from a panel of over 40,000 people in Scotland reveals green shoots of optimism appearing

29th August 2024

Our independent quarterly tracker has revealed that one in three (36%) people living in Scotland consider the cost of living as one of their top concerns, down 12% on this time last year.

According to the Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker from the David Hume Institute and polling experts the Diffley Partnership, while concern about the cost of living has fallen, healthcare remains the key concern for the public, selected by over half (51%) of respondents as a key worry.

The data was collected at the start of August, a month after the General Election, against a backdrop of economic insecurity, mounting concern about public expenditure and a wave of anti-migrant riots.In our first survey since the General Election, data reveals some green shoots of optimism.

  • Over half (54%) of people in Scotland believe that general economic conditions are worse now than a year ago - a considerable fall from the 2 in 3 (66%) that agreed with this statement in May.

  • 1 in 3 (35%) of those that express an opinion believe that general economic conditions are about the same as they were in August of last year, an increase of 11%. 

  • 15% of households with children say they feel better off than a year ago, compared to 10% reporting the same in August 2023 and 9% in August 2022.

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David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker - May 2024

Latest in the Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker series reveals a mixed picture of public opinion of the Economy.

The latest survey from the Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker series reveals that healthcare and the cost of living are at the forefront of Scottish voters' minds as they get ready to decide how to cast their votes in July. 

Latest findings from the series show the top two issues for voters in Scotland are:

  • one in two Scots (52%) cite healthcare and the NHS

  • two in five (40%) the cost of living and inflation is a key issue.

A host of other issues remain important to Scots, including poverty/inequality, trust in politics, the economy, and housing, which are regularly selected as top issues facing Scotland by upwards of 15% or more of Scots. However, there are notable changes in prioritisation among these issues, with emphasis on trust in politics rising two percentage points to 18% and emphasis on the economy falling two percentage points to 17%.

The constitution and devolution is reported as a top issue by only 7% of Scots in the latest figures for May 2024.

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David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker - February 2024

Our latest quarterly economy tracker reveals a continuing stark picture of public opinion on the economy.

Our survey shows two in three Scots (67%) have resorted to reducing non-essential purchases, while significant proportions continue measures such as cutting back on energy use (64%) and leisure activities (62%).

Additionally 45% report decreased savings contributions, and over a third are tapping into them for everyday expenses. These coping mechanisms are particularly prevalent among younger age groups, underscoring the disproportionate impact of the high cost of living on working-age individuals.

The Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker survey tracks economic attitudes and spending intentions from more than 2,000 members of the Scottish adult population every 3 months.  The fast turnaround time, as the data is published two weeks after collection, means early identification of changes in trends to support decision-makers.    

The study reveals a cautious outlook among Scots regarding future spending. Both essential and non-essential spending expectations show little change, indicating ongoing caution amidst economic uncertainty.

Furthermore, the latest findings highlight generational divides in priorities.  Healthcare and the NHS are paramount among older age groups, whilst younger individuals are more focused on addressing rising living costs.

The study also reveals growing doubts among Scots about Scotland's trajectory, with the majority (58%) believing that the country is heading in the wrong direction. This marks a three-percentage-point increase from the previous wave and reflects an increasing sense of pessimism about the future.

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David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker - November 2023

The Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker, marks its second birthday, showing many Scots continue to take extreme measures to navigate turbulent economic times.

The Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker, produced by the David Hume Institute and the Diffley Partnership, marks its second birthday, showing many Scots continue to take extreme measures to navigate turbulent economic times:

  • 1 in 6 people (17%) report skipping meals

  • 1 in 5 people are using ‘buy now pay later’ payment plans

  • 2 out of 3 people (67%) are not putting the heating on to reduce costs

For many, the ongoing challenges with the cost of living are dominating their lives with:

  • 3 in 10 (29%) Scots telling us they are losing sleep due to their personal finances

Many Scots are living with severe financial precarity:

  • 3 in 10 people (28%) are not confident of covering a £100 emergency expense – up three percentage points since February 2023

  • This rises to 1 in 2 (49%) for an emergency expense of £500

The survey also shows 8 in 10 Scots perceive the economy as favouring the wealthy (78%), while 53% believe it primarily serves business interests.  Only 1 in 10 (10%) believe that the economy works in their own interest.

Healthcare (48%) and cost of living (42%) remain among the top concerns for Scots. 

Over three-fifths of Scots (62%) view the cost of living and inflation as a key economic priority, though this is down five percentage points from August. Poverty has become a significant concern for 32% of respondents, up three percentage points from August.

The Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker survey gathers economic attitudes and insights from more than 2,000 members of the Scottish adult population every 3 months to track changes over time. 

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David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker - May 2023

The most recent data from the David Hume Institute and Diffley Partnership’s regular economy tracker reveals a mixed picture of public opinion on the economy: 62% of Scots think general economic conditions will be worse in a years’ time and 45% think their personal financial situation will be worse in a years’ time.

The most recent data from the David Hume Institute and Diffley Partnership’s regular economy tracker reveals a mixed picture of public opinion on the economy.

The economic outlook from Scots remains bleak with 62% thinking that general economic conditions will be worse in a years’ time (although this is down very slightly from 66% in February) and 45% think their personal financial situation will be worse in a years’ time (down from 48% in February).

However, while we have seen a reduction in the number of people thinking that things will be worse, optimism is not rising. Many Scots think that the economic outlook will remain the same over the next 12 months suggesting that they think that the costs and challenges they face are here to stay.

Is this a sign of people adjusting to a new normal?

In order to meet increased costs, many Scots are running down their savings, turning to credit and stopping paying into pensions:

  • 4 in 10 Scots (42%) report having taken money out of their savings to
    cover higher costs

  • 1 in 4 have used a credit card to make for purchases that they wouldn’t

  • 1 in % have used ‘buy now pay later’ schemes to cover everyday

  • A small but increasing number of Scots have stopped contributing to a
    pension (7%)

Turning to high-cost borrowing options for everyday essentials can cause the accumulation of substantial debt which will affect people’s lives for many years to come.

The Understanding Scotland: economy tracker is produced in partnership between the David Hume Institute and the Diffley Partnership. The survey gathers economic attitudes and insights from more than 2,000 members of the Scottish adult population every 3 months to track changes over time.

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David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker - February 2023

The latest insights from our quarterly economic survey reveal a stark differences in experience of the Scotland’s economy.

The most recent data from the David Hume Institute and Diffley Partnership’s regular economic survey reveals a mixed picture of public opinion on the economy: while overwhelming pessimism coupled and evidence of harsh financial realities for households persists, people’s predictions for the next year appear less dire than in previous waves of data collection. Whether this is a sign of people adjusting to a new normal, or genuinely feeling things are improving, remains to be seen.

Scots are continuing to struggle to make ends meet as dissatisfaction with income levels remains high and people carry on cutting their discretionary spending levels in response to rising prices. On top of this people are being pushed into forgoing basic necessities, engaging in risky financial behaviours, and looking to change jobs or take on extra hours.

New questions for this iteration have displayed a stark financial fragility across the population, although this is not experienced equally. A significant minority of people are not confident that they could pay an emergency expense of £100 without having to borrow or take out a loan, and this number sharply increases for an emergency expense of £500. For those in the most deprived areas of Scotland, these numbers are much higher.

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Research Papers David Hume Institute Research Papers David Hume Institute

Latest Understanding Scotland: Economy - November 2022

New research on economic attitudes and behaviours has revealed widespread pessimism about Scotland’s economic outlook.

Latest research insights from the David Hume Institute and the Diffley Partnership on economic attitudes and behaviours has revealed widespread pessimism about Scotland’s economic outlook.

The Understanding Scotland: economy survey shows that households’ are continuing to cut their spending and go without necessities, despite many attempting to boost their income in different ways.

Intentions to cut spending have increased for every good and service listed in the survey since Understanding Scotland began, posing a big challenge for the Scottish economy.

The public mood on the economy has moved dramatically in the last 12 months. Just 1 in 10 Scots think the economy works primarily in their own interests, whilst 8 in 10 think it works primarily in the interests of the wealthy.

As we enter into economic recession and the UK faces its biggest drop in living standards on record, understanding people’s perceptions and behaviours is essential for all decision-makers.

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David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

Research: The Great Risk Transfer - have we got the balance right?

How many people have the knowledge and time to manage the financial risks they face in life? To what extent does it matter? Find out more in our latest research about the Great Risk Transfer.

Photo of a house balancing precariously on the edge of a wall after a storm

Image credit: Photo by Cindy Tang, free from Unsplash 28.09.2022.

How many people have the knowledge and time to manage the financial risks they face in life? To what extent does it matter?

We partnered with the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) to explore these questions. We aimed to find out more about what people in Scotland understand to be the key risks in relation to their long-term financial wellbeing and what helps and holds them back from addressing them.

Our engagement with people in Scotland was designed to build on recent work carried out by the IFoA which has been exploring the ongoing trend of transferring risks from institutions – such as employers, the state, and financial services providers – to individuals.

The IFoA calls this the ‘Great Risk Transfer’ describing it as posing one of the most significant yet little understood social, financial, and political challenges of our time. The changes described in this work show that far greater responsibility is being placed on individuals for managing their lifelong financial wellbeing than has been the case for most people living in Scotland since the establishment of the modern welfare state.

The Great Risk Transfer research showed that the causes of this trend are complex. They include increasing life expectancy, technological advances, changes in financial regulation and political choices. The IFoA highlighted four important areas of risk transfer: pensions, work, health and insurance. Our work was designed to find out more about relevant perceptions of risk in the Scottish population and how people respond to risks which can affect their financial wellbeing.

We explored people’s awareness of the Great Risk Transfer and their ability to manage and respond to financial risks. This revealed two interlinked themes which have implications for policymakers and others interested in either mitigating against or rebalancing responsibility for the relevant risks.

  • Cultural – what people know, how they feel and what they do to manage risk

  • Structural – the wider social and economic system

Our work commenced in December 2021 and concluded as inflation grew to levels not seen since the early 1980s, with rapidly-increasing fuel, energy and food prices dominating the headlines. This comes at a time when wages and social security payments have generally not kept pace with inflation, leading to widespread acknowledgement of a significant rise in the cost of living.

Not surprisingly, many of the people we spoke to were focused on immediate financial challenges. These included high housing costs, insecure tenancies and jobs, low incomes and debt, and, for some retired people, the challenge of living on a fixed income. This report is structured around four key areas which emerged strongly in our research:

  • Knowledge and awareness of risks to financial wellbeing

  • Trust in information providers

  • Stress, fear, stigma and embarrassment

  • Ability to access and understand guidance and information

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