Blog: Stressed out - the cost of shifting risk from institutions to individuals
Blog discussing the links between our Great Risk Transfer research and the Understanding Scotland economy tracker. What are the costs of shifting risk from institutions to individuals.?
by Shelagh Young, DHI Engagement Lead
Do you do a good day’s work after a poor night’s sleep? Do financial worries stop you focusing on the other things that matter in life - on family and friends, on your health or your job?
Stress and anxiety have been the leading causes of lost working days in the UK for some time. But, despite increased productivity being seen as an essential component of economic growth, the impacts of stress and anxiety on the productivity of people who feel well enough to still go to work is comparatively less well measured or understood.
Last month we reported that more than one in four Scots are losing sleep over their finances. In July the ONS reported the weakest annual growth since the first quarter of 2013 (excluding the Covid-19 pandemic period) and the weakest productivity output of worker per worker since 2009.
Are these two dismal facts related?
We think so. The research charity Centre for Mental Health calculates that mental health related presenteeism, defined as being present at work but not fully functioning, costs the UK economy at least £21.2 billion a year in lost productivity.
In the light of this it is obvious that government needs to lead on reducing stress and anxiety in order to boost wellbeing and therefore productivity. It cannot offload all of this responsibility onto employers, especially as not everyone is employed. Employers can rightly be held to account for reducing work-related stress and anxiety but the wider causes are not theirs alone to solve.
One of these sources of stress is the impact of what the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) calls The Great Risk Transfer. This is best described as a shifting of the burden of risk, such as ensuring our workplace pensions yield sufficient returns to keep us out of poverty in retirement, from institutions to individuals. The IFoA argued that significant changes relating to pensions, work, health and insurance are placing more of the burden of risk on individuals with potentially socially and economically undesirable outcomes.
We will be exploring our research on this topic in a forthcoming lecture at the University of Edinburgh Business School. This work, which was supported by the IFoA, found that the changes the IFoA identified were often poorly understood by the people most affected and not always their top priorities. For example, while the IFoA included precarity at work in its exploration of risk transfers, our research revealed greater front of mind concerns about precarity in housing.
We found that most people had a very partial understanding of the financial risks they were facing but that did not mean they were unaffected by financial risk-related stress. We heard a lot about the stress of coping with financial responsibilities and that was before the cost of living rose so dramatically. This matters because stress is not just a problem of presenteeism or individual unhappiness. Chronic stress causes long-term and profound health problems including weight gain, heart disease and strokes. All of these are a major concerns when it comes to costs to the public purse.
We will be following up on our work around risk soon to find out more about what could be done to enable people to cope better. But the one thing we know already is that, while actuaries are professionally trained in risk-management, most of the rest of us are not. We need people to stay healthy enough to be at work but we also want their minds on their jobs for the sake of productivity. It is simply not good enough to design and implement policies that overload people with ever greater and more complex responsibilities which mean, as the FT described it earlier this year, we all need to be actuaries now.
Image credit: photo by Claudia Wolff free from Unsplash 05.09.2023
Press release: Global expert calls for urgent change to prevent escalating crises in the UK
Professor Danny Dorling, from the University of Oxford, joined a sell-out crowd in Edinburgh to preview his latest book ‘Shattered Nation. Inequality and the Geography of a Failing State”’
Professor Danny Dorling, the Halford Mackinder Professor at the University of Oxford, joined a sell-out crowd in Edinburgh to preview his latest book Shattered Nation. Inequality and the Geography of a Failing State' hosted by the David Hume Institute.
Professor Dorling argued, Britain needs change on a scale not seen since the Second World War to prevent the escalating economic and social costs of avoidable crises:
““The enormity of the challenges we now face, mean we need a scale of intervention not seen since the second world war - we can choose to step up to the challenges ahead, we can choose to create a thriving economy and society that does not leave people on the scrap heap, or we can blunder on fooling ourselves that if we just get economic growth to increase all the other crises will be sorted.””
Photo credit: Susan Murray
The discussion addressed the key theme of his forthcoming book - that the failure to tackle rising inequality and to invest in ways of meeting the basic needs of people living in the UK puts Britain at risk of becoming a failed state.
Dorling named Scotland as a source of hope citing policies such as the Scottish Child Payment and the announcement by the Scottish Government’s intention to move to a “Cash First” approach to reducing dependence on food banks.
““People need to know how much they stand to lose if we do not plan for ambitious change. After housing costs are paid, the average household in Britain is already less prosperous than the median in every other large European country. We have been moving down the ranks for decades, and the fall has accelerated recently. This is not inevitable. We can plan to end the huge inequalities that are a key feature of this decline.”
“What is happening in Scotland shows it is possible to avoid a poverty of ambition where you hope for so little and ask for even less.””
Reflecting on the ambitions of the 1942 Beveridge Report, Professor Dorling identifies the five giants of twenty-first-century poverty that now need to be conquered: Hunger, Precarity, Waste, Exploitation, and Fear.
Susan Murray, Director of the David Hume Institute, said:
“We were delighted to host Professor Dorling whose analysis of the data shows what can be changed, not just what has gone wrong. We know from our quarterly Understanding Scotland Economy Tracker that significant numbers of the Scottish population are losing sleep over their finances and cutting back on the basics such as healthy food and heating. Our ability to achieve many goals, including increased productivity, is placed in jeopardy when the people who power our economy are struggling to afford the basics needed for life today.”
View the full David Hume Institute event recording with Professor Dorling
Notes to editors:
Shattered Nation: Inequality and the Geography of a Failing State by Professor Danny Dorling will be published by Verso Books and formally launched on 19 September 2023.
Image credit: Sharing thumbnail image photo taken by Roger Bradshaw free on Unsplash on 24.08.2023