David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

The Economy in Plain English with Robbie Mochrie

Hear Dr Robbie Mochrie discuss how to think like an Economist, and challenge what you think you know about Economics.

Past Event: 3rd June 2024

Journalist Clare English and David Hume Institute Director, Susan Murray were joined in conversation by Dr Robbie Mochrie to discuss, How to Think Like an Economist - Great Economists Who Shaped the World and What They Can Teach Us.

Robbie speaks about how economic thinking emerged, long before there were economists; that good economics is about much more than the economy; how the greatest economic thinkers have enabled us to see the world differently, and how we can make it better. And all in plain English!

This event was broadcast live, and can be viewed on LinkedIn, X and Youtube.

Link to Youtube for the recording of Economy in Plain English conversation with Robbie Mochrie

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David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

The Economy in Plain English with Torsten Bell

Torsten Bell discusses the problems facing the UK's economy and where we go from here - when will the economy be great again?

Past event: 13th May 2024

Hear journalist Clare English and David Hume Institute Director, Susan Murray in conversation with Torsten Bell, Chief Executive of the Resolution Foundation. He has a background in economic policy, with a current research focus on how to renew the UK’s economic strategy to raise growth and reduce inequality.

In this episode, Torsten discussed his latest analysis from his new book, Great Britain? Described as “a treasure trove of enlightening and original analysis, and a much-needed antidote to the pervading sense that the country’s decline is inevitable or irreversible”.

We also discussed why Britain needs to stop living off its past and invest in the future; how complicated stories are told to justify the lack of investment; and how we need to pay attention to the economy as it is, not as people imagine it to be. Britain has a broad based service economy - if we live off our past, we will continue to remain poor.

This session was streamed live on LinkedIn, X and Youtube.

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Sarah Scott Sarah Scott

The Economy in Plain English with Diane Coyle

Hear Professor Diane Coyle discuss “What is economics and what it should be” with journalist Clare English and our Director Susan Murray.

Past event: 25th March 2024

In our fifth conversation of 2024, Journalist Clare English and Director of the David Hume Institute, Susan Murray discuss the Economy in Plain English with Diane Coyle, Professor of Public Policy and Co-Director of the Bennett Institute for Public Policy at the University of Cambridge.

This time we discussed: “What Economics Is and What It Should be”.

The session was streamed live on LinkedIn, X and Youtube.

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David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

The Economy in Plain English with Andrea Barry

Dr Andrea Barry, Principal Economist from the Youth Futures Foundation discusses the Economy in Plain English with journalist Clare English .

Past event: 19th February 2024

In our fourth conversation of 2024, Journalist Clare English and Director of the David Hume Institute, Susan Murray discuss the Economy in Plain English with Dr Andrea Barry, Principal Economist from the Youth Futures Foundation.

- What is a Principal Economist?
- What's their role in a youth organisation?
- And then the big question, does the economy cause intergenerational tension?

The session was streamed live on LinkedIn, X and Youtube. As always we promised you a lively conversation and interesting insights into the economy and economics - and all in plain English!

#economy #youngpeople #economics #intergenerationalwealth

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David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

The Economy in Plain English with Arun Advani

Hear Journalist Clare English discuss diversity, economics and tax with Dr Arun Advani.

Past event: 5th February 2024

Hear former BBC Journalist Clare English discuss tax and the economy with Dr Arun Advani. Arun is co-chair of the Discover Economics campaign, aiming to increase the diversity of people who study and work in economics.

He studies issues of inequality, tax compliance, and tax design, with a focus on those with high incomes or wealth. He is a Commissioner at the Wealth Tax Commission and also work on issues of environmental taxation, economic development, migration, and tax in low- and middle-income countries.

A month ahead of the likely tax cuts in the Spring Budget, this is a good opportunity to take time out and hear one the the UK's leading experts on tax systems.

The Economy in Plain English was streamed Live on LinkedIn, X and YouTube.

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David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

The Economy in Plain English with Dieter Helm

Professor Sir Dieter Helm discusses the economy with Journalist Clare English and Susan Murray, Director of the David Hume Institute as part of our the Economy in Plain English series.

Past event: Monday 5th February 2024

At the David Hume Institute, we're on a mission to get more people talking and thinking about the economy. That's why we've launched a new series of online live events, where you can ask questions and get answers in plain English.

Hosted by journalist Clare English and Susan Murray, Director of the David Hume Institute we discuss the Economy in Plain English.

Last week with Professor Graeme Roy, Economy in Plain English discussed economics being about the allocation of scarce resources.

This week, Sir Dieter Helm, Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Oxford and Fellow in Economics at New College, Oxford discussed what would a sustainable economy look like and how to build it - and why it matters.

Dieter told us he is not considered a mainstream economist - but what does this mean? Have a listen to the conversation and see if you think these ideas are or should be mainstream.

Key points:

  • Conventional economists look at the flows of goods, services, expenditures and incomes. The sustainable economy starts with the balance sheet of the assets and asks how well the stocks of these assets are being looked after or stewarded.

  • What is left to spend now is net of having first made good any damage we have done. If you own a house and have neglected to fix a hole in the roof, you will not pretend that you are better off and can spend more because the money has not been spent on fixing the roof. Your house would be worth less. You would in effect be eating up your capital, mortgaging the future for the benefit of your spending today.

  • Citizens of the sustainable economy have entitlements and rights, as well as duties and obligations to others now and to the next generation.

"What is not sustainable will not be sustained. The consequences of climate change do not go away because we refuse to address its fundamental causes."

Watch the recording below.

Find out more in Dieter's book Legacy: how to build a sustainable economy is available to download for free here.

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David Hume Institute David Hume Institute

The Economy in Plain English with Prof Graeme Roy

Professor Graeme Roy discusses the economy with Journalist Clare English and Susan Murray, Director of the David Hume Institute as part of our the Economy in Plain English series.

Past event: Monday 29th January 2024

Have you ever thought about how would you answer the question, what is the economy? If you are not an economist, the answer is probably, "no, I've never thought about it".

Whether you think about it or not, your decisions to do or not do something have an impact on the economy. And, someone else's decision to do to not do something will also affect you.

At the David Hume Institute, we're on a mission to get more people talking and thinking about the economy. That's why we've launched a new series of online live events, where you can ask questions and get answers in plain English.

Hosted by journalist Clare English and Susan Murray, Director of the David Hume Institute we'll discuss the Economy in Plain English.

To start us off, Professor Graeme Roy from the University of Glasgow joined us to answer the question, what is the economy?

We discussed:

  • Economics is often misunderstood - lots of people think it is just money and finance but it's really about how society makes choices about the allocation of scarce resources.

  • Traditional measures of the size of a country's economy like GDP (Gross Domestic Product) counted things that could be easily measured. This means activities that are harder to measure are not included even if they are of great value.

  • Although the short-term is often front of mind when we hear politicians speak, it is important to think beyond election cycles when considering the economy and how to allocate scarce resources.

Listen to the full discussion:

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